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Been absolutely swamped with work and hadn't gotten to it yet, though the light at the end of the tunnel is nigh. Was hoping to get it done by this coming Monday.

Kamijou Touma:
Still Waiting ;P

ALMOST caught up with my backlog. It's finally at the top of my list, so I should be tackling it first thing tomorrow :-) Things are just too busy :-\

[Edit] Just for reference, the person that asked for this was being quite a jerk, and then deleted his posts after I wrote this. Apparently, some posts may have been magically erased from the forum, so no longer sure of the validity of this statement.

   OK, so I went back and did some research and searching, trying to refresh my memory on all this as it was all from almost a decade ago. I also put together the GIT repo that I said I would. It is at .
   The initial release was from 2004-10-31. At the time, it was called HackStract.
   It was re-released under a new title on 2006-11-10, HackPics. I am unsure if there were any changes between the two versions, as I unfortunately do not have [easily accessible] backups, but I do not believe there was.
   Version v1.0.1 was released on 2008-06-11. I changed its label from v1.01 to v1.0.1 in the GIT repository to help follow other changes I had already made.
 The following are the changes I made in each commit between v1.0 and v1.0.1 (the current version).
Commit #1
* Changing the name of the project/files
* There was no functionality changesCommit #2
* Removed old useless, and unused libraries, and replaced them with standard libs.
* A few punctuation/capitalization/spelling fixes in comments
* There was no functionality changes whatsoever, besides some possibly better IO handlingCommit #3
* No functionality changes. Mainly just file maintenance.Commit #4
* Added “About” window, executable icon, and executable version info
* Re-branded from “HackStract” to “HackPicks” within the primary source file (for window titles and such)
* Updated window and sub-window display information/dimensions. Made window resizing work better.
* The text for “Loading Info” and “Parsing Stats” is now centered on the screenCommit #5
* Moved from using magic numbers when reading the info, to having an actual struct. This makes things much more clear.
* This is the ONLY change made between v1.0 and v1.0.1 that touches the actual processing code. I personally checked during this repository compilation that all the numbers matched.
   So nothing important at all was changed from v1.0 (HackStract) to v1.0.1 (HackPics).
   I had a lot of other people interested in the project over the many years since I created it. People asking about it, asking me if I could help them with their projects, or modifications of my project. So I did a little Googling just now, and found this: . It is called HackStract v2, release in June of 2008, and was a either a modification or complete rewrite of my work. I am unsure if it is a mislabel, but it says the Author’s name is “CyberConnect2”, which is the name of the company that created the //.Hack games, and he is obviously not affiliated with the company. However, he said that it was based upon my work, so we can safely assume that he took the research done from the reverse engineering I did, and did more. He seems to not have included the source with it, but it may be out there, somewhere.
   My initial goal was to just extract the desktop backgrounds from the game, which I accomplished. I was never interested in making the extraction process perfect, but I am glad to see that others continued my work. If 2008 were like now, this most likely would have been done as a collaborative GitHub project, where they just built off mine. But 2008, and even-more so, 2004, were VERY different times. Most people would not even recognize the internet from then from what it is today.

[Edit] Fixed some formatting issues caused by Thunderbird when compiling this

Kamijou Touma:
Thx Dakusan ;P

--- Quote from: Dakusan on October 05, 2015, 08:43:58 pm ---[Edit] Just for reference, the person that asked for this was being quite a jerk, and then deleted his posts after I wrote this.

--- End quote ---
A few people Believe that it was me who did this.
I also stated before here that something deleted my posts before and that it was in fact not me. I believe your forums at one point had pruned me because i was unregistered.


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