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Author Topic: Thread synchronization in C#  (Read 20701 times)


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Thread synchronization in C#
« on: January 09, 2013, 11:18:00 pm »

Original post for Thread synchronization in C# can be found at https://www.castledragmire.com/Posts/Thread_synchronization_in_C%23.
Originally posted on: 01/09/13

I have been working heavily in C# CE (Compact Edition) v2.0 for the last 2 years for clients, and one of the very many things that I was never really happy with (in at least that version of the language, though it looks like it might plague all versions of C#) is the available thread synchronization tools. I’ve come to love the lock/wait/notify model (in Java it’s synchronized/wait/notify and in Perl it’s lock/cond_wait/cond_signal), but I have found nothing as intuitive and safe to use in C#. To alleviate this, I went ahead and wrote my own ThreadLockAndWait class that achieves this functionality.

This works the same as the POSIX lock, unlock, cond_wait, cond_signal, and cond_timedwait functions, except:
  • Lock is not required before CondSignal (it does its own inner lock and unlock)
  • If ReacquireLockAfterWait is false, in which case CondWait will not lock again after signaled and just continue immediately
  • Only 1 thread can be CondWaiting at a time (If one is CondWaiting and is signaled but not reacquired the lock, its ok for another to start CondWaiting)

public class ThreadLockAndWait
   private Mutex TheLock=new Mutex(), CondWaitLock=new Mutex(); //CondWaitLock makes sure 1 thread stops waiting before the next one starts waiting
   private ManualResetEvent WaitTimer=new ManualResetEvent(false);
   private string OwnersThreadName=null;
   private int OwnerLockCount=0;

   public void Lock()
   public void UnLock()
         throw new Exception("Cannot unlock if not locked");
   public void CondWait() { RealCondWait(-1, true); }
   public void CondWait(bool ReacquireLockAfterWait) { RealCondWait(-1, ReacquireLockAfterWait); }
   public void CondTimedWait(int TimeToWait) { RealCondWait(Math.Max(0, TimeToWait), true); }
   public void CondTimedWait(int TimeToWait, bool ReacquireLockAfterWait) { RealCondWait(Math.Max(0, TimeToWait), ReacquireLockAfterWait); }
   private void RealCondWait(int TimeToWait, bool ReacquireLockAfterWait)
      //Prepare to wait
         throw new Exception("Cannot wait if not locked");
      CondWaitLock.WaitOne(); //Release this wait before the next one starts

      //Release all locks
      int PreviousLockCount=OwnerLockCount;
         System.Diagnostics.Debug.Print("Warning, mutex has multiple locks from thread!");
      for(int i=0;i<PreviousLockCount;i++)

         WaitTimer.WaitOne(TimeToWait, false);
      else if(TimeToWait!=0)

      //Reacquire lock
      for(int i=0;i<PreviousLockCount;i++)

   public void CondSignal()