Official site launch very soon, hurrah!
I got hit yesterday with a very time critical and large client project that will be taking up most all of my time over the next few weeks, so I may have to get in a lot of quick posts like this to keep up.
A number of years ago I watched the new Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle (2003) cartoon, and was shocked at how good it was. IMO there has been no other non-comedic American cartoon that has come out of its quality besides Avatar The Last Airbender (which is in its own league of quality for American cartoons). It was also saddening to me when watching the final (5th) season that a lot of those episodes hadn’t aired due to them being “too dark for kids” :-(. Also, for reference, I consider the show ended at 5 seasons. The “6th season” entitled “Fast Forward” is NOT the same show. I’d equate its quality to the Ninja Turtles cartoons of the 1980s, or perhaps worse.
Anywho, when I was giving the series’ DVDs to a friend, I felt the need to compile a list of the episodes, as they were made to be watched in a specific order, but were not aired or released (even remotely) in that proper order. There are some episodes repeated in the list as they were included on multiple DVDs. This information is probably much easier to find nowadays... but when I compiled it, it definitely wasn’t easy information to come by.