Main Site Discussion > Projects

Plex Playlist Importer

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You mean a separate Plex pass user, correct? One in which you would have had to of shared your libraries with via Libraries->...->Share ? (Or shares visible via>launch->settings->users->friends)

In, below line 177
--- Code: ---#Insert the items into the playlist
--- End code ---
Add the following line

--- Code: ---Cur.execute('DELETE FROM play_queue_generators WHERE playlist_id=?', (PlexPlaylistID,))
--- End code ---

I have not tested this code, so make sure to backup your database before attempting it.

Same disclaimer. Guess I gotta add command line flags for this and update on github. Already have 1 pull request on github. PITA cause I don't release code without thoroughly testing.

Line 137. Change

--- Code: ---sys.exit("File not found in DB: "+FilePath)
--- End code ---

--- Code: ---continue
--- End code ---
When I update on github it will throw a warning instead.

"DB Error: no such module: fts4" indicates an outdated or incomplete sqlite3 version. Google also points out that this happens when trying to compile for iOS, or possibly osx.

First, "/var/lib/plexmediaserver/Library/Application Support/Plex Media Server/Plug-in Support/Databases/com.plexapp.plugins.library.db" needs to be quoted, since it has spaces, or your command line interpreter will think those are separate parameters.

I'm surprised it decided to import at all with what you gave it, since you gave an unquoted (and therefore bogus) path to the database. I'm guessing it found the path on its own so it didn't error out.

Second, you only gave the "Playlist_Path" parameter and not a "Plex_Playlist_Name" parameter.


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