I’m currently working 60-80 hours a week right now doing contract work, so I don’t have much free time, but I’ll see if I can’t get my posting schedule a little more regular this month.
I noticed this car a few days ago while going down the highway. You can’t really make it out, but the license plate says “L33T”, which made me smile :-). It’s not easy getting a good picture with a shitty cell phone camera (1.3 megapixels) while going 70MPH down a highway!

I also encountered a BEAUTIFUL buck [deer] with 5ft+ high horns branching out in the most stunning patterns down in West Lake (south Austin) when I was pulling out of a parking lot, but I couldn’t get my camera out quick enough to get a picture before it disappeared back into the forest :-(. Alas. I might start more work in that area of town however, so I may get another change to see it again later on!