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Posts / Re: Checking permissions before updating Flatpaks
« on: Yesterday at 11:47:54 pm »
My script actually just caught a change, and fortunately one that I am very happy with. (I had of course already removed the "home" file permission when I first installed it).

Code: [Select]
io.github.ungoogled_software.ungoogled_chromium: Permission changes:
    + filesystems = xdg-run/pipewire-0;~/.local/share/icons:create;xdg-download;xdg-desktop;~/.local/share/applications:create
    - filesystems = home
    - LD_LIBRARY_PATH = /app/chromium/nonfree-codecs/lib
  [Extension io.github.ungoogled_software.ungoogled_chromium.Codecs]
    - directory = chromium/nonfree-codecs
    - autodelete = true
    - add-ld-path = lib
    - built-extensions = io.github.ungoogled_software.ungoogled_chromium.Codecs

Posts / Loot from 2016 Psychonauts 2 Campaign
« on: December 20, 2024, 01:29:29 pm »

I finally got my Raz and Lili plushies in from the Psychonauts 2 campaign, NINE YEARS LATER. They’re pretty cute and I really like them, though Lilis’ has a lot of flaws. Her blouse colors are way off and the triangle pattern is much larger than in the game. Her skirt is also only 1 color instead of 2. All in all not that big a deal.

Something that really urks me about it though is that they were supposed to be CAMPAIGN EXCLUSIVES that I paid $100 for each. But then Double Fine went and sold them online for $40 a pop.

They already lost my good faith from the “Backpack” campaign reward debacle  4 years ago. It wasn’t the backpack from the first game with the badges. It was the new satchel design from the second game, which is NOT what was promised. I paid $300 bucks for it and its definitely supposed to be the bag from #1 if its supposed to include the merit badges... Granted, the quality was very nice though.

Updates / Update - Permission check before updating Flatpaks
« on: December 20, 2024, 11:30:22 am »

I updated the Checking permissions before updating Flatpaks post with the following changes:

  • Split post into the following sections:
    • My final updated copy of the script
    • List of the changes I made from the AI produced script
    • The commands I gave the AI
    • The final script the AI produced
  • Made more updates to the final script:
    • Added “askQuestion” function since there are now multiple places in the script that ask questions
    • Added $NoNewline to outputColor (for “askQuestion” function)
    • Changed get-updates command from “flatpak remote-ls --updates” to “echo n | flatpak update” (with a regex extraction). Also now confirms the update list with the user.

Posts / Audio quality, Eva soundtracks, and hearing aids
« on: December 07, 2024, 02:25:44 am »

Listening to music when working to drown out everything but what I’m concentrating on has long been the way I’ve done things, and sound quality is important to me.

When I’ve had housemates, I always used my Sennheiser HD 650 Open Back headphones along with an RME Babyface Pro for custom wave tuning. To perfectly tune the waveforms so it sounded the best to me, I spent many hours listening to the same sound clips over and over, ones that I’d already heard thousands of times before and knew impeccably.

Now that I’ve had my house to myself for a while, I always listen to everything through surround sound (I have my house wired for 7.1 in my office, living room, and bedroom). While the sound quality is a pretty big step down, I really enjoy being immersed in the music, coming in from all directions. Any headphones I’ve tried just can’t simulate that experience.

I generally just listen to stereo tracks that are upmixed (upmuxed?) to 7.1, which gives me what I want. Actual surround sound music tracks are rare, and it’s even more rare that they are actually good.

In 1996 there were 5 Eva (Neon Genesis Evangelion) OST CDs released, and in December of 2004 they were rereleased with 5.1 surround editions. I have acquired copies of the first 3 of these CDs and the surround mixes are phenomenal. I’ve been saddened by the fact I don’t have the 5th CD (I’ve found a physical copy online I intend to grab soon) as it contains one of my favorite Eva songs, “Komm, süsser Tod”.

It recently came to my attention that there was a “Neon Genesis Evangelion 5.1ch Surround Edition Soundtrack” released in 2015 that has that song and I finally acquired it today. Unfortunately, the surround remix on this CD is horrible and I deleted it after listening all the way through. Very disappointing.

Another fun tidbit. I’ve lost a good deal of my hearing ranges from playing percussion in instrumental band in high school. I recently went to an audiologist and tried out hearing aids and HOLY CRAP, everything in life suddenly sounds so much better and crisper. The Oticon Intent hearing aids are absolutely amazing. The best versions (#1) definitely give the best quality. The lowest tier version (#3) didn’t cut it for me. I’m probably going to settle with the mid-tier version (#2) due to price vs quality loss.

Using these hearing aids is a huge step for me in bridging the gap to listening to music out loud and through my Sennheisers. And what really surprised me was that using the hearing aids actually enhanced the sound quality when listening through my Sennheisers.

To adjust the hearing aids to my needs I went through a 10-ish minute test in a sound booth in which all the ranges of my hearing were testing, so the hearing aids could boost the different ranges to match my hearing loss. What really made me smile was when I compared the hearing range loss chart with the waveform I came up with for my Babyface. They were almost exactly matched. Which tells me I haven’t lost much more hearing in the last decade.

Posts / Re: Btrfs RAID1 inside LUKS encrypted volumes
« on: November 26, 2024, 05:00:54 pm »
One other note I wanted to add. Trying to LUKS encrypt your boot partition comes with its own caveats. Grub bootloader decryption (before initramfs loads) is SLOW. Like... 20 seconds to test a password on modern hardware due to iteration counts and low level bootloaders not having access to certain CPU functions that would speed up the process. Also, if you mistype the password, you may have to reboot.

Posts / Sekiro letter opener sword
« on: November 21, 2024, 11:39:33 pm »
Original post for Sekiro letter opener sword can be found at https://www.castledragmire.com/Posts/Sekiro_letter_opener_sword.
Originally posted on: 11/22/24

In honor of my recent Sekiro accomplishment, I bought myself a cute little Sekiro letter opener sword to go on my office side desk.

I honestly think I may consider Sekiro the best first player game ever made. It’s by far better than any of From Softwares’ other games (I am a big Dark Souls fan. Elden ring was boringly easy). I had been trying to do a perfect run for about a month and finally got it done.

In 10.5 hours I killed every enemy exactly once (no more, no less), 0 death screens, no cheese, no exiting battles, bought out all vendors, and collected all items. It was a lot of fun.

One of the reasons I love Sekiro so much is that it’s about the zen perfection of a specific skill set, patience, timing, and reaction speed (I am also a big fan of Super Hexagon - almost have a 4 minute run on it). There is no experience grinding to get past bosses, though certain skills acquired through exp are extremely helpful. This makes it harder than dark souls, and winning gives much more of an accomplishment feeling.

It goes far beyond that though. The level design is top notch and art assets are visually stunning. It’s an integrated cohesive world more so than any of the Dark Souls, and I’m a bit of a sucker for Japanese themes.

Combat is wonderful. Pretty much all the fights are fun and fair once you learn how to play, and you can even freaking pause the game! :-D You have to keep on your toes at all times cause ANYONE can kill you. The game both lets you sneak or just run in and murder everything if you’re good enough. The replayability is much higher than any of the other FromSoft souls like games too.

Posts / Btrfs RAID1 inside LUKS encrypted volumes
« on: November 20, 2024, 10:12:14 pm »

I recently moved to Linux and have all my hard drives Luks encrypted, including the primary. I decided to convert my ext4 partitions to Btrfs recently, which I’m totally loving. I also decided to grab another nvme drive and use it as a RAID1 (mirror) drive against my primary drive, using Btrfs’ RAID mechanics. Below are the instructions to accomplish this.

Do note that this is for a situation where you already have a BTRFS volume and want to add a device as RAID1. This assumes you already have your system booting to the LUKS encrypted drive with the root being btrfs. Many modern Linux OS installers can do this for you automatically. Parts of these instructions can still be used in other situations.

  • Hopefully you also have a swap partition under the same LVM as your LUKS root (the Linux Mint installer does this by default), as we’ll be using it. If not, you’ll need to modify the instructions. This script resizes the swap partition and adds an “extra” partition to hold your drive key. This is required because a drive key cannot be loaded off your btrfs volume as both drives need to be unlocked first.
  • This should be ran from another operating system. I would recommend using Universal USB Installer to do this. It allows you to put multiple OS live cds on a USB key, including optional persistence.
  • Run the following script as root (you can use sudo). Make sure to fill in the variables section first. Or even better, run the script 1 line at a time to make sure there are no problems.

#Current root drive
CurPart="nvme0n1p3" #The current drive partition in /dev. This example uses nvme disk #0 partition #3
CurCryptVol="vgmint" #What you named your LVM under LUKS
CurCryptRoot="root" #What you named your root partition under the LVM
CurCryptRootSubVol="/" #The path of the subvolume that is used as the root partition. For example, I use “@”
CurCryptSwap="swap_1" #What you named your swap partition under the LVM
CurCryptExtra="extra" #What you WANT to name your extra partition under the LVM
CurCryptExtraSize="100M" #How big you want your extra partition that will hold your key file
CurKeyPath="" #The path to a key file that will unlock both drives. If left blank then one will be created

#New drive
NewDrive="nvme1n1" #The new drive in /dev. This example uses nvme disk #1
NewPart="nvme1n1p3" #The new partition in /dev. You will be creating this with the cfdisk. This example uses nvme disk#1 partition#3
NewCryptName="raid1_crypt" #What we’ll name the root LUKS partition (no LVM)

#Other variables you do not need to set

echo "---------------------------------Update BTRFS---------------------------------"
echo "Make sure you are using the latest btrfs-progs"
cd "$(dirname "$(which btrfs)")"
LATEST_RELEASE=$(curl -s "https://api.github.com/repos/$BtrfsReleasePath/releases/latest" | grep tag_name | cut -d \" -f4)
wget "https://github.com/$BtrfsReleasePath/releases/download/$LATEST_RELEASE/$BtrfsReleaseFile"
chmod +x "$BtrfsReleaseFile"

echo "Link all btrfs programs to btrfs.box.static. Rename old files as .old.FILENAME"
if ! [ -L ./btrfs ]; then
 for v in $(\ls btrfs*); do
   if [ "$v" != "$BtrfsReleaseFile" ]; then
     mv "$v" ".old.$v"
     ln -s "$BtrfsReleaseFile" "$v"

echo "--------------------------Current drive and key setup-------------------------"
echo "Mount the current root partition"
cryptsetup luksOpen "/dev/$CurPart" "$CurCryptVol"
vgchange -ay "$CurCryptVol"
mkdir -p "$CurMount"
mount -o "subvol=$CurCryptRootSubVol" "/dev/$CurCryptVol/$CurCryptRoot" "$CurMount"

echo "If the extra volume has not been created, then resize the swap and create it"
if ! [ -e "/dev/$CurCryptVol/$CurCryptExtra" ]; then
 lvremove -y "/dev/$CurCryptVol/$CurCryptSwap"

 lvcreate -n "$CurCryptExtra" -L "$CurCryptExtraSize" "$CurCryptVol"
 mkfs.ext4 "/dev/$CurCryptVol/$CurCryptExtra"

 lvcreate -n "$CurCryptSwap" -l 100%FREE "$CurCryptVol"
 mkswap "/dev/$CurCryptVol/$CurCryptSwap"

echo "Make sure the key file exists, if it does not, either copy it (if given in $CurKeyPath) or create it"
mkdir -p "$ExtraMountPath"
mount "/dev/$CurCryptVol/$CurCryptExtra" "$ExtraMountPath"
if ! [ -e "$ExtraMountPath/$DriveKeyName" ]; then
 if [ "$CurKeyPath" != "" ]; then
   if ! [ -e "$CurKeyPath" ]; then
     echo "Not found: $CurKeyPath"
     exit 1
   cp "$CurKeyPath" "$ExtraMountPath/$DriveKeyName"
   openssl rand -out "$ExtraMountPath/$DriveKeyName" 512
 chmod 400 "$ExtraMountPath/$DriveKeyName"
 chown root:root "$ExtraMountPath/$DriveKeyName"

echo "Make sure the key file works on the current drive"
if cryptsetup --test-passphrase luksOpen --key-file "$ExtraMountPath/$DriveKeyName" "/dev/$CurPart" test; then
 echo "Keyfile successfully opened the LUKS partition."
 #cryptsetup luksClose test #This doesn’t seem to be needed
 echo "Adding keyfile to the LUKS partition"
 cryptsetup luksAddKey "/dev/$CurPart" "$ExtraMountPath/$DriveKeyName"

echo "--------------------------------New drive setup-------------------------------"
echo "Use cfdisk to set the new disk as GPT and add partitions."
echo "Make sure to mark the partition you want to use for the raid disk as type “Linux Filesystem”."
echo "Also make it the same size as /dev/$CurPart to avoid errors"
cfdisk "/dev/$NewDrive"

echo "Encrypt the new partition"
cryptsetup luksFormat "/dev/$NewPart"

echo "Open the encrypted partition"
cryptsetup luksOpen "/dev/$NewPart" "$NewCryptName"

echo "Add the key to the partition"
cryptsetup luksAddKey "/dev/$NewPart" "$ExtraMountPath/$DriveKeyName"

echo "Add the new partition to the root btrfs file system"
btrfs device add "/dev/mapper/$NewCryptName" "$CurMount"

echo "Convert to RAID1"
btrfs balance start -dconvert=raid1 -mconvert=raid1 "$CurMount"

echo "Confirm both disks are in use"
btrfs filesystem usage "$CurMount"

echo "--------------------Booting script to load encrypted drives-------------------"
echo "Get the UUID of the second btrfs volume"
Drive2_UUID=$(lsblk -o UUID -d "/dev/$NewPart" | tail -n1)

echo "Create a script to open your second luks volumes before mounting the partition"
echo "Note: In some scenarios this may need to go into “scripts/local-premount” instead of “scripts/local-bottom”"
cat <<EOF > "$CurMount/etc/initramfs-tools/scripts/local-bottom/unlock_drive2"

   echo "\$PREREQ"

case "\$1" in
       exit 0

. /scripts/functions
vgchange -ay "$CurCryptVol"
mkdir -p /mnt/keyfile
mount "/dev/$CurCryptVol/$CurCryptExtra" /mnt/keyfile
cryptsetup luksOpen /dev/disk/by-uuid/$Drive2_UUID "$NewCryptName" "--key-file=/mnt/keyfile/$DriveKeyName"
umount /mnt/keyfile
rmdir /mnt/keyfile

mount -t btrfs -o "subvol=$CurCryptRootSubVol" "/dev/$CurCryptVol/$CurCryptRoot" /root

#If you are weird like me and /usr is stored elsewhere, here is where you would need to mount it.
#It cannot be done through your fstab in this setup.
#mount --bind /root/sub/sys/usr /root/usr

mount --bind /dev /root/dev
mount --bind /proc /root/proc
mount --bind /sys /root/sys

chmod 755 "$CurMount/etc/initramfs-tools/scripts/local-bottom/unlock_drive2"

echo "--------------------Setup booting from the root file system-------------------"
echo "Prepare a chroot environment"
for i in dev dev/pts proc sys run tmp; do
 mount -o bind /$i "$CurMount/$i"

echo "Run commands in the chroot environment to update initramfs and grub"
chroot "$CurMount" <<EOF
echo "Mount the other partitions (specifically for “boot” and “boot/efi”)"
mount -a

echo "Update initramfs and grub"
update-initramfs -u -k all

echo "-----------------------------------Finish up----------------------------------"
echo "Reboot and pray"

Updates / Added live total progress to MD5Sum List Script
« on: November 20, 2024, 09:58:02 pm »

I added a live “total progress” progress bar to the MD5Sum List Script. It utilizes a temp fifo file and a backgrounded “pv”.

Posts / Checking permissions before updating Flatpaks
« on: October 19, 2024, 05:22:25 am »

I wanted to make a script to check if updated flatpak app permissions have changed before updating them. I decided to use ChatGPTs newest model, 01-preview for this task and holy crap am I impressed. I had to give it 14 commands to get to the final product and it seems to work great. That number could have been reduced quite a bit had I done things a bit differently.

I still had to find the problems, look up reference docs to correct it, and even debug in an IDE a little. But just telling it where the problems were, it got there in the end, and its user interaction output is way better than what I was planning on doing.


My final updated copy of the script

// -- This script checks for Flatpak updates and reports permission changes. --

// Function to parse permissions from Flatpak metadata
function parsePermissions($content) {
   $permissions = [];
   $lines = is_array($content) ? $content : explode("\n", $content);
   $currentSection = '';
   $skipSections = ['Application']; // Sections to skip

   foreach ($lines as $line) {
       $line = trim($line);

       if (empty($line)) {

       // Check for section headers
       if (preg_match('/^\[(.*)\]$/', $line, $matches)) {
           $currentSection = $matches[1];

           // Skip the [Application] section
           if (in_array($currentSection, $skipSections)) {
               $currentSection = '';

           $permissions[$currentSection] = [];
       } elseif ($currentSection !== '') {
           // Only process lines within non-skipped sections
           $parts = explode('=', $line, 2);
           if (count($parts) == 2) {
               $key = $parts[0];
               $values = explode(';', trim($parts[1], ';'));
               $permissions[$currentSection][$key] = $values;
           } else {
               // Handle keys without '=' (e.g., single permissions)
               $permissions[$currentSection][$line] = [];

   return $permissions;

// Function to compare permissions
function comparePermissions($current, $new) {
   $differences = [];

   // Get all sections
   $sections = array_unique(array_merge(array_keys($current), array_keys($new)));

   foreach ($sections as $section) {
       $currentSection = isset($current[$section]) ? $current[$section] : [];
       $newSection = isset($new[$section]) ? $new[$section] : [];

       // Get all keys in this section
       $keys = array_unique(array_merge(array_keys($currentSection), array_keys($newSection)));

       foreach ($keys as $key) {
           $currentValues = isset($currentSection[$key]) ? $currentSection[$key] : [];
           $newValues = isset($newSection[$key]) ? $newSection[$key] : [];

           // Compare values
           $added = array_diff($newValues, $currentValues);
           $removed = array_diff($currentValues, $newValues);

           if (!empty($added) || !empty($removed)) {
               $differences[$section][$key] = [
                   'added' => $added,
                   'removed' => $removed,

   return $differences;

// Function to output a line with appId (if given), colored red (IsError=true) or green (IsError=false)
function outputColor($appId, $str, $isError=true, $NoNewline=false)
   // Determine if coloring should be used
   static $hasColors=null;
   if(!isset($hasColors)) {
       $hasColors=stream_isatty(STDOUT) && (!trim(`command -v tput`) || intval(`tput colors`)>=16);

       (!$hasColors ? '' : ($isError ? "\e[31m" : "\e[32m")).
       ($appId ? "$appId: " : '').
       (!$hasColors ? '' : "\e[0m").
       ($NoNewline ? '' : "\n");

// Function to display permission differences
function displayDifferences($appId, $differences) {
   outputColor($appId, 'Permission changes:');
   foreach ($differences as $section => $keys) {
       outputColor(null, "  [$section]");
       foreach ($keys as $key => $changes) {
           if (!empty($changes['added'])) {
               outputColor(null, "    + $key = " . implode(';', $changes['added']));
           if (!empty($changes['removed'])) {
               outputColor(null, "    - $key = " . implode(';', $changes['removed']));
   echo "\n";

// Function to ask the user a question
function askQuestion($Question) {
   outputColor('', "$Question (y/N): ", true, true);
   $handle = fopen('php://stdin', 'r');
   $line = fgets($handle);
   $answer = trim(strtolower($line));
   return ($answer == 'y' || $answer == 'yes');

// Get architecture (moved above the loop)
$archCommand = 'flatpak --default-arch';
exec($archCommand, $archOutput);
$arch = trim(implode('', $archOutput));

// Step 1: Get the list of installed Flatpaks
$installedCommand = 'flatpak list -a --columns=application,branch,origin,options';
exec($installedCommand, $installedOutput);

// Remove header line if present
if (!empty($installedOutput) && strpos($installedOutput[0], 'Application ID') !== false) {

// Build an associative array of installed applications
$installedApps = [];

foreach ($installedOutput as $line) {
   // The output is tab-delimited
   $columns = explode("\t", trim($line));
   if (count($columns) >= 4) {
       $appId = $columns[0];
       $branch = $columns[1];
       $origin = $columns[2];
       $options = $columns[3];

       $installedApps[$appId] = [
           'appId' => $appId,
           'branch' => $branch,
           'origin' => $origin,
           'options' => $options,

// Get the list of updates
exec('echo n | flatpak update', $updatesOutput);
foreach ($updatesOutput as $Line) {
   if (preg_match('/^ *\d+\.\s+([\w\.-]+)/', $Line, $matches)) {

// Let the user confirm the updates
echo str_repeat('-', 80)."\n";
echo implode("\n", $updatesOutput)."\n";
echo str_repeat('-', 80)."\n";
if (empty($updatesAvailable)) {
   outputColor('', 'No updates available for installed Flatpaks.');
if (!askQuestion('Found '.count($updatesAvailable).' updates. Continue?')) {
   echo "Updates canceled.\n";

$permissionChanges = [];
foreach ($updatesAvailable as $appId) {
   if (!isset($installedApps[$appId])) {
       outputColor($appId, 'Installed app not found. Skipping.');

   $app = $installedApps[$appId];
   $branch = $app['branch'];
   $origin = $app['origin'];
   $options = $app['options'];

   // Determine if it's an app or runtime
   $isRuntime = strpos($options, 'runtime') !== false;

   // Paths to the metadata files
   if ($isRuntime) {
       $metadataPath = "/var/lib/flatpak/runtime/$appId/$arch/$branch/active/metadata";
   } else {
       $metadataPath = "/var/lib/flatpak/app/$appId/$arch/$branch/active/metadata";

   // Check if the metadata file exists
   if (!file_exists($metadataPath)) {
       outputColor($appId, 'Metadata file not found. Skipping.');

   // Read current permissions from the metadata file
   $metadataContent = file_get_contents($metadataPath);
   $currentPermissions = parsePermissions($metadataContent);

   // Get new metadata from remote
   $ref = $appId . '/' . $arch . '/' . $branch;
   $remoteInfoCommand = 'flatpak remote-info --show-metadata ' . escapeshellarg($origin) . ' ' . escapeshellarg($ref);

   // Clear $remoteOutput before exec()
   $remoteOutput = [];
   exec($remoteInfoCommand, $remoteOutput);

   if (empty($remoteOutput)) {
       outputColor($appId, 'Failed to retrieve remote metadata. Skipping.');

   // Parse new permissions from the remote metadata
   $newPermissions = parsePermissions($remoteOutput);

   // Compare permissions
   $differences = comparePermissions($currentPermissions, $newPermissions);

   if (!empty($differences)) {
       $permissionChanges[$appId] = $differences;
       displayDifferences($appId, $differences);
   } else {
       outputColor($appId, 'No permission changes found.', false);

// If there are no permission changes, inform the user
if (empty($permissionChanges)) {
   echo "No permission changes detected in the available updates.\n";

// Ask user if they want to proceed
if (askQuestion('Do you want to proceed with the updates?')) {
   // Proceed with updates
   echo "Updating Flatpaks...\n";
   passthru('flatpak update -y');
} else {
   echo "Updates canceled.\n";
List of the changes I made from the AI produced script
  • Added “outputColor” function and wrapped appropriate echo statements into it
  • Added “-a” to “flatpak list”
  • Added output line “Installed app not found. Skipping”
  • Added output line “No permission changes found.”
  • Added “askQuestion” function since there are now multiple places in the script that ask questions
  • Changed get-updates command from “flatpak remote-ls --updates” to “echo n | flatpak update” (with a regex extraction). Also now confirms the update list with the user.
The commands I gave the AI

For demonstration purposes, I have left all of my original typos uncorrected below.

Write me a program in php that checks if there are any updates for my installed flatpaks. and then for each flatpak check and see if the permissions have changed between my current version and the new version. report to me the changes. then ask me if i want to continue with the updates.
your code doesnt work.
first $command = 'flatpak list --app --updates --columns=application,app,branch,origin,installation'; should be flatpak remote-ls --updates --columns=application,app,branch,origin (installation is an invalid column)
and then flatpak info --show-permissions doesnt give the original permissions. you have to get the original non-user-modified permissions from /var/lib/flatpak
the line if (empty($output)) { is incorrect, it should be if (count($output)) { as $output is an array, not a string
$columns = preg_split('/\s{2,}/', trim($line)); is incorrect. its tab delimited, so it just needs to be explode("\t", trim($line));
you also have a problem with the $metadataPath. its not always in /var/lib/flatpak/app/ . It may be in /var/lib/flatpak/runtime/. You can confirm which directory it should be in with the options column having "runtime" as an option.
in the --columns for your first command, "application" should be "name"
actually, you cant get the options from flatpak remote-ls --updates . you have to get the options from flatpak list
flatpak remote-info does not have an option --show-permissions
in your flatpak remote-info command, there is no --branch option.
there is no --assumeno option
there is no --dry-run permission. perhaps use --no-deploy?
you are incorrect. flatpak remote-info does not have an option --show-permissions . we already went over that. perhaps flatpak remote-info --show-metadata to get the permissions
flatpak remote-info does not have --branch
when checking the metadata, do not compare the info under [Application]
also, move the "Get architecture" line above its for loop
you have a problem with exec($remoteInfoCommand, $remoteOutput); you need to always empty $remoteOutput before running the exec. Otherwise, it appends the data to what is already there.

The final script the AI produced

* This script checks for Flatpak updates and reports permission changes.

// Function to parse permissions from Flatpak metadata
function parsePermissions($content) {
   $permissions = [];
   $lines = is_array($content) ? $content : explode("\n", $content);
   $currentSection = '';
   $skipSections = ['Application']; // Sections to skip

   foreach ($lines as $line) {
       $line = trim($line);

       if (empty($line)) {

       // Check for section headers
       if (preg_match('/^\[(.*)\]$/', $line, $matches)) {
           $currentSection = $matches[1];

           // Skip the [Application] section
           if (in_array($currentSection, $skipSections)) {
               $currentSection = '';

           $permissions[$currentSection] = [];
       } elseif ($currentSection !== '') {
           // Only process lines within non-skipped sections
           $parts = explode('=', $line, 2);
           if (count($parts) == 2) {
               $key = $parts[0];
               $values = explode(';', trim($parts[1], ';'));
               $permissions[$currentSection][$key] = $values;
           } else {
               // Handle keys without '=' (e.g., single permissions)
               $permissions[$currentSection][$line] = [];

   return $permissions;

// Function to compare permissions
function comparePermissions($current, $new) {
   $differences = [];

   // Get all sections
   $sections = array_unique(array_merge(array_keys($current), array_keys($new)));

   foreach ($sections as $section) {
       $currentSection = isset($current[$section]) ? $current[$section] : [];
       $newSection = isset($new[$section]) ? $new[$section] : [];

       // Get all keys in this section
       $keys = array_unique(array_merge(array_keys($currentSection), array_keys($newSection)));

       foreach ($keys as $key) {
           $currentValues = isset($currentSection[$key]) ? $currentSection[$key] : [];
           $newValues = isset($newSection[$key]) ? $newSection[$key] : [];

           // Compare values
           $added = array_diff($newValues, $currentValues);
           $removed = array_diff($currentValues, $newValues);

           if (!empty($added) || !empty($removed)) {
               $differences[$section][$key] = [
                   'added' => $added,
                   'removed' => $removed,

   return $differences;

// Function to display permission differences
function displayDifferences($appId, $differences) {
   echo "Permission changes for $appId:\n";
   foreach ($differences as $section => $keys) {
       echo "  [$section]\n";
       foreach ($keys as $key => $changes) {
           if (!empty($changes['added'])) {
               echo "    + $key = " . implode(';', $changes['added']) . "\n";
           if (!empty($changes['removed'])) {
               echo "    - $key = " . implode(';', $changes['removed']) . "\n";
   echo "\n";

// Get architecture (moved above the loop)
$archCommand = 'flatpak --default-arch';
exec($archCommand, $archOutput);
$arch = trim(implode('', $archOutput));

// Step 1: Get the list of installed Flatpaks
$installedCommand = 'flatpak list --columns=application,branch,origin,options';
exec($installedCommand, $installedOutput);

// Remove header line if present
if (!empty($installedOutput) && strpos($installedOutput[0], 'Application ID') !== false) {

// Build an associative array of installed applications
$installedApps = [];

foreach ($installedOutput as $line) {
   // The output is tab-delimited
   $columns = explode("\t", trim($line));
   if (count($columns) >= 4) {
       $appId = $columns[0];
       $branch = $columns[1];
       $origin = $columns[2];
       $options = $columns[3];

       $installedApps[$appId] = [
           'appId' => $appId,
           'branch' => $branch,
           'origin' => $origin,
           'options' => $options,

// Get the list of available updates
$updatesCommand = 'flatpak remote-ls --updates --columns=application';
exec($updatesCommand, $updatesOutput);

// Remove header line if present
if (!empty($updatesOutput) && strpos($updatesOutput[0], 'Application ID') !== false) {

// Build a list of applications that have updates
$updatesAvailable = array_map('trim', $updatesOutput);

if (empty($updatesAvailable)) {
   echo "No updates available for installed Flatpaks.\n";

$permissionChanges = [];

foreach ($updatesAvailable as $appId) {
   if (!isset($installedApps[$appId])) {
       // The updated app is not in the installed apps list, skip it

   $app = $installedApps[$appId];
   $branch = $app['branch'];
   $origin = $app['origin'];
   $options = $app['options'];

   // Determine if it's an app or runtime
   $isRuntime = strpos($options, 'runtime') !== false;

   // Paths to the metadata files
   if ($isRuntime) {
       $metadataPath = "/var/lib/flatpak/runtime/$appId/$arch/$branch/active/metadata";
   } else {
       $metadataPath = "/var/lib/flatpak/app/$appId/$arch/$branch/active/metadata";

   // Check if the metadata file exists
   if (!file_exists($metadataPath)) {
       echo "Metadata file not found for $appId. Skipping.\n";

   // Read current permissions from the metadata file
   $metadataContent = file_get_contents($metadataPath);
   $currentPermissions = parsePermissions($metadataContent);

   // Get new metadata from remote
   $ref = $appId . '/' . $arch . '/' . $branch;
   $remoteInfoCommand = 'flatpak remote-info --show-metadata ' . escapeshellarg($origin) . ' ' . escapeshellarg($ref);

   // Clear $remoteOutput before exec()
   $remoteOutput = [];
   exec($remoteInfoCommand, $remoteOutput);

   if (empty($remoteOutput)) {
       echo "Failed to retrieve remote metadata for $appId. Skipping.\n";

   // Parse new permissions from the remote metadata
   $newPermissions = parsePermissions($remoteOutput);

   // Compare permissions
   $differences = comparePermissions($currentPermissions, $newPermissions);

   if (!empty($differences)) {
       $permissionChanges[$appId] = $differences;
       displayDifferences($appId, $differences);

// If there are no permission changes, inform the user
if (empty($permissionChanges)) {
   echo "No permission changes detected in the available updates.\n";

// Ask user if they want to proceed
echo "Do you want to proceed with the updates? (y/N): ";
$handle = fopen("php://stdin", "r");
$line = fgets($handle);
$answer = trim(strtolower($line));

if ($answer == 'y' || $answer == 'yes') {
   // Proceed with updates
   echo "Updating Flatpaks...\n";
   passthru('flatpak update -y');
} else {
   echo "Updates canceled.\n";


Posts / Re: Plex recover posters & art from previous backup
« on: October 16, 2024, 11:51:56 pm »
Adding a solution to my problem where movie posters kept disappearing in between plex server reboots.
For some reason it was storing the movie poster metadata in "Metadata/*/*/*/Upload" and it expected them in "Metadata/*/*/*/Contents/_combined/". Ran the following command in "/var/lib/plexmediaserver/Library/Application Support/Plex Media Server/Metadata" to fix the missing posters:
Code: [Select]
IFS=$'\n'; for i in `ls */*/* -d`; do cd "$i"; if [ -d "Uploads" ]; then echo "$i"; rsync -a Uploads/ Contents/_combined/; fi; cd -; done

Posts / Re: Installing KeePassXC with a Flatpak sandboxed browser
« on: October 07, 2024, 11:15:50 pm »
It's impossible to say without going through a lot of complex debugging steps with you, unfortunately. It's a very complex process with little fiddly bits. If you can find any error messages it would help.

Posts / Plex recover posters & art from previous backup
« on: October 02, 2024, 03:18:20 am »

My Plex server decided to go through my database and screw with all the posters and art, so I made the below script which can be used to recover them. You should only use this if doing a full revert to backup is not a viable option. Do also note that if you have refreshed the metadata on any tv series since the backup, it could cause issues with the episode posters.

#Run the following commands as root
sudo su

#User variables

#Derived variables (Slashes at end of directory paths are required)
DB_PATH="/var/lib/$SERVICE_NAME/Library/Application Support/Plex Media Server/Plug-in Support/Databases/com.plexapp.plugins.library.db"
IMG_PATH="/var/lib/$SERVICE_NAME/Library/Application Support/Plex Media Server/Metadata/"
CACHE_PATH="/var/lib/$SERVICE_NAME/Library/Application Support/Plex Media Server/Cache/PhotoTranscoder/"

#Stop the plex service until we have updated everything
echo "Stopping Plex"
systemctl stop "$SERVICE_NAME"

#Set the (user_thumb_url, user_art_url, and updated_at) from the old database in the new database.
#The updated_at is required to match the cached images
echo "Updating database"
 metadata_items AS NMDI
   OLDDB.metadata_items AS OMDI

#Copy the posters and art from the old directory to the new directory
echo "Copying posters"
find -type d \( -name "art" -o -name "posters" \) | xargs -n100 bash -c 'rsync -a --relative "$@" "'"$IMG_PATH"'"' _

#Copy the cached images over
echo "Copying cache"

#Restart plex
echo "Starting Plex"
systemctl start "$SERVICE_NAME"

Posts / Some useful Plex commands
« on: September 15, 2024, 10:24:45 pm »
Original post for Some useful Plex commands can be found at https://www.castledragmire.com/Posts/Some_useful_Plex_commands.
Originally posted on: 09/16/24

The below commands are tailored for Linux, as file paths are different for Windows. They need to be ran with the sudo -u plex prefix for proper user access permissions.

Get list of libraries
'/usr/lib/plexmediaserver/Plex Media Scanner' --list

Force library intro dection
'/usr/lib/plexmediaserver/Plex Media Scanner' --analyze --manual --server-action intros --section LIBRARY_ID

Force library credit dection
'/usr/lib/plexmediaserver/Plex Media Scanner' --analyze --manual --server-action credits --section LIBRARY_ID

Export media list

sqlite3 '/var/lib/plexmediaserver/Library/Application Support/Plex Media Server/Plug-in Support/Databases/com.plexapp.plugins.library.db' '
SELECT MDI.id, file, title, MDI."index", hints, GROUP_CONCAT(T.text) AS taggings
FROM media_parts AS MP
INNER JOIN media_items AS MI ON MI.id=MP.media_item_id
INNER JOIN metadata_items AS MDI ON MDI.id=MI.metadata_item_id
LEFT JOIN taggings as T ON T.metadata_item_id=MDI.id AND T.text IN ("credits", "intro")
This outputs the following (column separated by pipe “|”) for each individual media item:
  1. Metadata item ID
  2. File path
  3. Title
  4. Episode Number
  5. Hints (e.x. =&episode=1&episodic=1&season=1&show=Ninja%20Turtles&show_name=Ninja%20Turtles&year=2002)
  6. “credits” and “intros” tags (if the credits and intros timestamps have been calculated)

Posts / Moving Plex from Windows to Linux
« on: July 30, 2024, 04:46:45 pm »

Yesterday I moved my Plex installation from a Windows machine to a Linux machine. The primary data folders that needed to be copied over were Media, Metadata, Plug-ins, and Plug-in Support. It doesn't hurt to copy over some of the folders in Cache too. It's possible there may be some more data that needs to be moved over, but I don't have documented what.

After moving all the data, I updated the paths in the database for the new machine. Doing this allowed me to keep everything as it was and no new refreshes/scans needed to be done.

The location of the Plex modified SQLite for me was at /usr/lib/plexmediaserver/Plex SQLite. So the following is the bash commands to stop the plex server and open SQLite editor on Linux Mint 21.3.

service plexmediaserver stop
/usr/lib/plexmediaserver/Plex\ SQLite '/var/lib/plexmediaserver/Library/Application Support/Plex Media Server/Plug-in Support/Databases/com.plexapp.plugins.library.db'

And the following is the SQL I used to replace a D: drive with a path of /home/plex/drives/d/. You can replace these strings in the below code with your custom drives and paths.

#Replace backslashes with forward slash in paths
UPDATE media_parts SET file=REPLACE(file, '\', '/');
UPDATE section_locations SET root_path=REPLACE(root_path, '\', '/');
UPDATE media_streams SET url=REPLACE(url, '\', '/') WHERE url LIKE 'file://%';

#Replace root paths
UPDATE media_parts SET file=REPLACE(file, 'D:/', '/home/plex/drives/d/');
UPDATE section_locations SET root_path=REPLACE(root_path, 'D:/', '/home/plex/drives/d/');
UPDATE media_streams SET url=REPLACE(url, 'file://D:/', 'file:///home/plex/drives/d/') WHERE url LIKE 'file://%';
UPDATE media_streams SET url=REPLACE(url, 'file:///D:/', 'file:///home/plex/drives/d/') WHERE url LIKE 'file://%';
UPDATE metadata_items SET guid=REPLACE(guid, 'file:///D:/', 'file:///home/plex/drives/d/');

Posts / Password transfer script for Roboform to BitWarden
« on: July 19, 2024, 03:57:03 am »

I created this script because I wasn’t happy with the native Roboform importer inside Bitwarden. This fixed multiple problems including:
* Ignoring MatchUrls
* Parent folders weren’t created if they had no items in them (e.x. if I had identities in Financial/Banks, but nothing in /Financial, then it wouldn’t be created /Financial)
* Completely ignoring the extra fields (RfFieldsV2)

This fixes all those problems.

This needs to be ran via php in a command line interface, so `php convert.php`. It requires the [bitwarden cli “bw” command](https://bitwarden.com/help/cli/).
There are 2 optional arguments you can pass:
1) The name of the import file. If not given, `./RfExport.csv` will be used
2) The “bw” session token. If not given as a parameter, it can be set directly inside this file on line #4. You get this token by running `bw unlock` (after logging in with `bw login`).

This script does the following:
* Reads from a csv file exported by Roboform to import into bitwarden
* Runs `bw sync` before processing
* Imported Fields:
 * Name: Becomes the name of the item
 * Url: Becomes the URL for the item
 * MatchUrl: If this is not the same “Url” then it is added as another URL for the item
 * Login: Becomes the login (user) name
 * Pwd: Becomes the password
 * Note: Becomes the note
 * Folder: Item is put in this folder
 * RfFieldsV2 (multiple):
   * Fields that match the login or password fields are marked as “linked fields” to those. If the field names are the following, they are not added as linked fields: *user, username, login, email, userid, user id, user id$, user_email, login_email, user_login, password, passwd, password$, pass, user_password, login_password, pwd, loginpassword*
   * Fields that are different than the login or password are added as appropriate “Custom fields”. Supported types: '', rad, sel, txt, pwd, rck, chk, are
   * Each field has 5 values within it, and 3 of those seem to be different types of names. So as long as they are not duplicates of each other, each name is stored as a seperate field.
* If all fields are blank but “name” and “note” then the item is considered a “Secure Note”
* While reading the csv file for import, errors and warnings are sent to stdout
* After the csv import has complete, it will give a total number of warnings/errors and ask the user if they want to continue
* Creates missing folders (including parents that have no items in them)
* During export to bitwarden:
 * This process can be quite slow since each instance of running “bw” has to do a lot of work
 * Keeps an active count of items processed and the total number of items
 * If duplicates are found (same item name and folder) then the user is prompted for what they want to do. Which is either s=skip or o=overwrite. A capitol of those letters can be given to perform the same action on all subsequent duplicates.
 * Errors are sent to stdout

Download script here

global $BW_SESSION;
/** @noinspection SpellCheckingInspection,RedundantSuppression */
$BW_SESSION=($argv[2] ?? 'FILL_ME_IN');

print RunMe($argv)."\n";

//Make sure “bw” is installed, given session is valid, and is synced
function CheckBWStatus(): ?string
      return $StatusCheck;
   else if(!is_object($StatusCheck) || !isset($StatusCheck->status))
      return 'bw return does not have status';
   else if($StatusCheck->status==='locked')
      return 'bw is locked';
   else if($StatusCheck->status!=='unlocked')
      return 'bw status is invalid';

   $ExpectedMessage='Syncing complete.';
   if(is_string($SyncCheck=RunBW('sync', null, false)))
      return $SyncCheck;
   else if($SyncCheck[0]!==$ExpectedMessage)
      return "Sync expected “${ExpectedMessage}” but got “${SyncCheck[0]}”";

   return null;

//Pull the known folders
function PullKnownFolders(): string|array
   if(is_string($FolderList=RunBW('list folders')))
      return $FolderList;
   foreach($FolderList as $Folder)
   unset($FolderIDs['No Folder']);
   return $FolderIDs;

//Get the file handle and the column indexes
function GetFileAndColumns(): string|array
   //Prepare the import file for reading
   ini_set('default_charset', 'UTF-8');
   $FileName=$argv[1] ?? './RfExport.csv';
      return 'File not found: '.$FileName;
   else if(!($f=fopen($FileName, 'r')))
      return 'Error opening file: '.$FileName;

   //Check the header row values
      return 'Error opening file: '.$FileName;
   else if(!count($HeadRow) || $HeadRow[0]===NULL)
      return 'Missing head row: '.$FileName;
   if(str_starts_with($HeadRow[0], "\xEF\xBB\xBF")) //Remove UTF8 BOM
      $HeadRow[0]=substr($HeadRow[0], 3);

   $ExpectedCols=array_flip(['Url', 'Name', 'MatchUrl', 'Login', 'Pwd', 'Note', 'Folder', 'RfFieldsV2']);
   foreach($HeadRow as $Index => $Name) {
            return 'Duplicate column title: '.$Name;
            return 'Unknown column title: '.$Name;
      return 'Required columns not found: '.implode(', ', array_keys($ExpectedCols));
   else if($ColNums['RfFieldsV2']!==count($ColNums)-1)
      return 'RfFieldsV2 must be the last column';

   return [$f, $ColNums];

//Process the rows
function ProcessRows($f, array $ColNums, array &$FolderIDs): array
   $Counts=['Error'=>0, 'Warning'=>0, 'Success'=>0];
   while($Line=fgetcsv($f, null, ",", "\"", "")) {
      //Process the row and add result type to counts
      $Result=ProcessRow($Line, $ColNums);

      //Handle errors and warnings
      if($Result[0]!=='Success') {
            print "$Result[0]: Row #$RowNum $Result[1]\n";
      } else if(isset($Result['Warnings']) && count($Result['Warnings'])) {
         print "Warning(s): Row #$RowNum ".implode("\n", $Result['Warnings'])."\n";

      //Add the folder to the list of folders (strip leading slash)
      $FolderName=($Line[$ColNums['Folder']] ?? '');
      $FolderName=substr($FolderName, ($FolderName[0] ?? '')==='/' ? 1 : 0);

      //Save the entry
   return [$Counts, $FolderNames, $Items, $RowNum];

//Process a single row
function ProcessRow($Line, $ColNums): array
   //Skip blank lines
   if(!count($Line) || (count($Line)===1 && $Line[0]===null))
      return ['Warning', 'is blank'];

   //Extract the columns by name
   foreach($ColNums as $Name => $ColNum)
      $C->$Name=$Line[$ColNum] ?? '';

   //Check for errors and end processing early for notes
      return ['Error', 'is missing a name'];
   else if($C->Url==='' && $C->MatchUrl==='' & $C->Login==='' && $C->Pwd==='') {
      return ['Success', 'Data'=>(object)['type'=>2, 'notes'=>$C->Note, 'name'=>$C->Name, 'secureNote'=>['type'=>0]]];

   //Create a login card
      'notes'=>$C->Note===''  ? null : $C->Note,

   //Create error string for mist fields
   $i=0; //Declared up here so it can be used in $FormatError
   $FormatError=function($Format, ...$Args) use ($ColNums, &$i): string {
      return 'RfFieldsV2 #'.($i-$ColNums['RfFieldsV2']+1).' '.sprintf($Format, ...$Args);

   //Handle misc/extra (RfFieldsV2) fields
   for($i=$ColNums['RfFieldsV2']; $i<count($Line); $i++) {
      //Pull in the parts of the misc field
      if(count($Parts=str_getcsv($Line[$i], ",", "\"", ""))!==5)
         return ['Error', $FormatError('is not in the correct format')];
      $Parts=(object)array_combine(['Name', 'Name3', 'Name2', 'Type', 'Value'], $Parts);
         return ['Error', $FormatError('invalid blank name found')];

      //Figure out which “Names” to process
      foreach([$Parts->Name2, $Parts->Name3] as $NewName)
         if($NewName!=='' && !in_array($NewName, $PartNames))

      //Process the different names
      foreach($PartNames as $PartName) {
         //Determined values for the item
         /** @noinspection PhpUnusedLocalVariableInspection */ $Type=null; //Overwritten in all paths

         //Handle duplicate usernames and password fields
         if(($IsLogin=($PartValue===$C->Login)) || $PartValue===$C->Pwd) {
            if($Parts->Type!==($IsLogin ? 'txt' : 'pwd'))
               $Warnings[]=$FormatError('expected type “%s” but got “%s”', $IsLogin ? 'txt' : 'pwd', $Parts->Type);
            $LinkedID=($IsLogin ? 100 : 101);

            //If a common name then do not add the linked field
            /** @noinspection SpellCheckingInspection */
               $IsLogin ?
                  ['user', 'username', 'login', 'email', 'userid', 'user id', 'user id$', 'user_email', 'login_email', 'user_login'] :
                  ['password', 'passwd', 'password$', 'pass', 'user_password', 'login_password', 'pwd', 'loginpassword']
         } else {
            //Convert the type
            switch($Parts->Type) {
               case '': //For some reason some text fields have no type given
               case 'rad':
               case 'sel':
               case 'txt': $Type=0; break;
               case 'pwd': $Type=1; break;
               case 'rck': //Radio check?
                  if($PartName!==$Parts->Name) //Ignore second names for radio checks
                     continue 2;
                  if(count($RadioParts=explode(':', $PartName))!==2)
                     return ['Error', $FormatError('radio name needs 2 parts separated by a colon')];
               case 'chk':
                  if($PartValue==='*' || $PartValue==='1')
                  else if($PartValue==='0')
                     return ['Error', $FormatError('invalid value for chk type “%s”', $PartValue)];
               case 'are': //This seems to be a captcha
                  continue 2;
                  return ['Error', $FormatError('invalid field type “%s”', $Parts->Type)];

         //Create the return object

   //Return finished item and warnings
      $Warnings[0]="RfFieldsV2 warnings:\n".$Warnings[0];
   return ['Success', 'Data'=>$Ret, 'Warnings'=>$Warnings];

//Ask the user if they want to continue
function ConfirmContinue($Counts, $RowNum): ?string
   //Ask the user if they want to continue
   printf("Import from spreadsheet is finished. Total: %d; Successful: %d, Errors: %d, Warnings: %d\n", $RowNum, $Counts['Success'], $Counts['Error'], $Counts['Warning']);
   while(1) {
      print 'Do you wish to continue the export to bitwarden? (y/n): ';
      switch(trim(strtolower(fgets(STDIN)))) {
         case 'n':
            return 'Exiting';
         case 'y':
            break 2;

   return null;

//Get folder IDs and create parent folders for children
function GetFolders($FolderNames, &$FolderIDs): ?string
   foreach(array_keys($FolderNames) as $FolderName) {
      //Skip “No Folder”
      if($FolderName==='') {

      //Check each part of the folder tree to make sure it exists
      $FolderParts=explode('/', $FolderName);
      foreach($FolderParts as $Index => $FolderPart) {
         $CurPath.=($Index>0 ? '/' : '').$FolderPart;

         //If folder is already cached then nothing to do
         if(isset($FolderIDs[$CurPath])) {

         //Create the folder
         print "Creating folder: $CurPath\n";
         if(is_string($FolderInfo=RunBW('create folder '.base64_encode(json_encode(['name'=>$CurPath])), 'create folder: '.$CurPath)))
            return $FolderInfo;
         else if (!isset($FolderInfo->id))
            return "bw folder create failed for “${CurPath}”: Return did not contain id";
   return null;

//Pull the known items
function PullKnownItems($FoldersByID): string|array
   if(is_string($ItemList=RunBW('list items')))
      return $ItemList;
   foreach($ItemList as $Item) {
      $CurItems[($Item->folderId===null ? '' : $FoldersByID[$Item->folderId].'/').$Item->name]=$Item->id;
   return $CurItems;

function StoreItems($Items, $CurItems, $FoldersByID): int
   print "\n"; //Give an extra newline before starting the processing
   $HandleDuplicatesAction=''; //The "always do this" action
   foreach($Items as $Index => $Item) {
      //Clear the current line and print the processing status
      printf("\rProcessing item #%d/%d", $Index+1, $NumItems);

      //If the item already exists then request what to do
      $FullItemName=($Item->folderId===null ? '' : $FoldersByID[$Item->folderId].'/').$Item->name;
      if(isset($CurItems[$FullItemName])) {
         //If no "always" action has been set in $HandleDuplicatesAction then ask the user what to do
         if(!($Action=$HandleDuplicatesAction)) {
            print "\n";
            while(1) {
               print "A duplicate at “${FullItemName}” was found. Choose your action (s=skip,o=overwrite,S=always skip,O=always overwrite):";
               if(in_array(strtolower($Val), ['s', 'o']))
            if($Val!==$Action) //Upper case sets the "always" state

         //Skip the item

         //Overwrite the item
         if(is_string($Ret=RunBW('edit item '.$CurItems[$FullItemName].' '.base64_encode(json_encode($Item)), 'edit item: '.$FullItemName))) {
            printf("\nError on item #%d: %s\n", $Index+1, $Ret);

      //Create the item
      if(is_string($Ret=RunBW('create item '.base64_encode(json_encode($Item)), 'create item: '.$FullItemName))) {
         printf("\nError on item #%d: %s\n", $Index+1, $Ret);
   return $NumErrors;

//Run a command through the “bw” application
function RunBW($Command, $Label=null, $DecodeJSON=true): string|object|array
   //$Label is set to $Command if not given

   //Run the command and check the results
   global $BW_SESSION;
   exec(sprintf('BW_SESSION=%s bw %s --pretty 2>&1', $BW_SESSION, $Command), $Output, $ResultCode);
      return 'bw is not installed';
   else if($ResultCode===1)
      return "bw “${Label}” threw an error: \n".implode("\n", $Output);
   else if($ResultCode!==0)
      return "bw “${Label}” returned an invalid status code [$ResultCode]: \n".implode("\n", $Output);
   else if($Output[0]==='mac failed.')
      return 'Invalid session ID';
   else if(!$DecodeJSON)
      return [implode("\n", $Output)];
   else if(($JsonRet=json_decode(implode("\n", $Output)))===null)
      return "bw “${Label}” returned non-json result";

   //Return the json object
   return $JsonRet;

function RunMe($argv): string
   //Make sure “bw” is installed and given session is valid
      return $Ret;

   //Pull the known folders
      return $FolderIDs;

   //Get the file handle and the column indexes
      return $Ret;
   [$f, $ColNums]=$Ret;

   //Process the rows and ask the user if they want to continue
   [$Counts, $FolderNames, $Items, $RowNum]=ProcessRows($f, $ColNums, $FolderIDs);
   if(is_string($Ret=ConfirmContinue($Counts, $RowNum)))
      return $Ret;
   unset($Counts, $RowNum, $f, $ColNums);

   //Get folder IDs and create parent folders for children
   if(is_string($Ret=GetFolders($FolderNames, $FolderIDs)))
      return $Ret;

   //Pull the known items
      return $CurItems;

   //Store all items
   $FolderIDs['']=null; //Change empty folder to id=null for json insertions
   $NumErrors=StoreItems($Items, $CurItems, $FoldersByID);

   //Return completion information
   return "\nCompleted ".($NumErrors ? "with $NumErrors error(s)" : 'successfully');

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