Main Site Discussion > Projects
Full content for the HackPics project can be found at
Description: Reverse engineering project to extract pictures from a PlayStation2 gameInformation: I really liked some backgrounds on a virtual computer desktop of the first .Hack PS2 games and wanted them for my computer, so I got them.Languages: C
I received an email 2 days ago regarding this project, and unfortunately, when I tried to reply, the email address given was invalid :-\. I figured I'd post the email here in hopes that he may notice it. Alas.
Belial on 09/25/09 at 11:26:54 PM -0500
--- Quote ---Hi there!
I managed to come across HackStract some time ago, and was really impressed with its capability to get the pictures. I just recently found that you had updated it to have some new features. Thing is with the new program the textures aren't coming out clear.. They seem to be stacking transparencies on top of each other, which they weren't doing in the old program.
Anyway what I was wondering is if you happen to have an old copy of the HackStract source code still lying around.
What I am looking to do is be able to extract more then one file at a time, and still have them in that good quality from HackStract.
Please let me know if you get a chance ^~^
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The original binary and source of the first version are available in the first update for the project (also on the project page in the update section).
I am unable to reproduce the bug you mentioned, and cannot help without getting more info on the problem.
You are also actually not the first person to mention/request the want to extract multiple pictures at a time. I did not include this in the program because I hadn't finished reverse engineering all the variables and some pictures needed to be manually adjusted. It had never occurred to me people might want to dump them en masse even if some of them didn't come out right :-).
Xu Yuan:
Hello, Your HackPics tool from so long ago has been upgraded several times by other people by now, but it seems that none of them have yet put in Importing methods.
Just out of curiosity, how difficult is it to include such a function? The actual scope of hacking .hack has grown tremendously over the years and this is just one of the steps to create fully playable mods.
Has it really been upgraded by other people? I had never heard ^_^; .
Importing would be a lot more difficult than extracting, and it also depends on how you would want it to work. For example, if you just want to overwrite individual pictures, you can just overwrite them directly in the data file with your new ones as long as they are not larger in size (byte wise). If you wanted to actually add new pictures without erasing old content, you would most likely have to know the complete structure of the data file and completely recompile it. There was still a lot in the file's structure I never worried about figuring out because I had no need for it.
Honestly, this was a project from over 11 years ago. I am shocked anyone is even still using it, as the games are mostly ~13 years old.
I don't remember what I changed between the 2 versions, but anyone is free to change them all they want (perhaps compare the 2 versions and see what you can do). As a matter of fact, I've heard that other people have updated this project themselves elsewhere.
--- Quote ---"Why not just improve upon hackstract and add the ability to see transparency >.>?"
--- End quote ---
*shrugs* I'm sure there were reasons I did the updates that I did between the versions. If it broke anything, it was unintentional. This was never meant as a project that would get long term maintenance.
If someone else wanted to work on it out there, I'd be happy to upload it to github with versions intact.
Just did a real quick check too. Looks like bitmaps are stored in their original 8 bit format (indexed colors). To fix any of the bitmaps that have transparency, the one transparent color index just needs to be replaced in the palette index. It's been a really long time, so I might not recall correctly, but I don't think I ever found where it stored what it considered the transparent color index. Perhaps it was always the same color.
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