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Author Topic: Inlining Executable Resources  (Read 14447 times)


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Inlining Executable Resources
« on: September 28, 2009, 05:31:05 am »

Original post for Inlining Executable Resources can be found at https://www.castledragmire.com/Posts/Inlining_Executable_Resources.
Originally posted on: 06/07/08

I am somewhat obsessive about file cleanliness, and like to have everything I do well organized with any superfluous files removed.  This especially translates into my source code, and even more so for released source code.

Before I zip up the source code for any  project, I always remove the extraneous workspace compilation files.  These usually include:

  • C/C++: Debug & Release directories, *.ncb, *.plg, *.opt, and *.aps
  • VB: *.vbw
  • .NET: *.suo, *.vbproj.user

Unfortunately, a new offender surfaced in the form of the Hyrulean Productions icon and Signature File for about pages. I did not want to have to have every source release include those 2 extra files, so I did research into inlining them in the resource script (.rc) file.  Resources are just data directly compiled into an executable, and the resource script tells the executable all of these resources and how to compile them in.  All my C projects include a resource script for at least the file version, author information, and Hyrulean Productions icon. Anyways, this turned out to be way more of a pain in the butt than intended.

There are 2 ways to load “raw data” (not a standard format like an icon, bitmap, string table, version information, etc) into a resource script.  The first way is through loading an external file:
for example:
DAKSIG   SIG   DISCARDABLE   "Dakusan.sig"
RESOURCEID and RESOURCETYPE are arbitrary and user defined, and it should also be noted to usually have them in caps, as the compilers seem to often be picky about case.

The second way is through inlining the data:
for example:
DakSig   Sig
Getting the data in the right format for the resource script is a relatively simple task.
  • First, acquire the data in 16-bit encoded format (HEX). I suggest WinHex for this job.
    On a side note, I have been using WinHex for ages and highly recommend it.  It’s one of the most well built and fully featured application suites I know if.
  • Lastly, convert the straight HEX DATA (“DA32CF2A0603...”) into an array of proper endian hex values (“0x32DA,0x2ACF,0x0306...”). This can be done with a global replace regular expression of “(..)(..)” to “0x$2$1,”. I recommend Editpad Pro for this kind of work, another of my favorite pieces of software. As a matter of fact, I am writing this post right now in it :-).

Here is where the real caveats and problems start falling into place. First, I noticed the resource data was corrupt for a few bytes at a certain location.  It turned out to be Visual Studio wanting line lengths in the resource file to be less than ~4175 characters, so I just added a line break at that point.

This idea worked great for the about page signature, which needed to be raw data anyways, but encoding the icon this way turned out to be impossible :-(. Visual Studio apparently requires external files be loaded if you want to use a pre-defined binary resource type (ICON, BITMAP, etc).  The simple solution would be to inline the icon as a user defined raw data type, but unfortunately, the Win32 icon loading API functions (LoadIcon, CreateIconFromResource, LoadImage, etc) only seemed to work with properly defined ICONs.  I believe the problem here is that when the compiler loads in the icon to include in the executable, it reformats it somewhat, so I would need to know this format.  Again, unfortunately, Win32 APIs failed me. FindResource/FindResourceEx wouldn’t let me load the data for ICON types for direct coping (or reverse engineering) :-(.  At this point, it wouldn’t be worth my time to try and get the proper format just to inline my Hyrulean Productions icon into resource scripts. I may come back to it later if I’m ever really bored.

This unfortunately brings back a lot of bad old memories regarding Win32 APIs.  A lot of the Windows system is really outdated, not nearly robust enough, or just way too obfuscated, and has, and still does, cause me innumerable migraines trying to get things working with their system.

As an example, I just added the first about page to a C project, and getting fonts working on the form was not only a multi-hour long knockdown drag out due to multiple issues, I ended up having to jury rig the final solution in exasperation due to time constraints. I wanted the C about pages to match the VB ones exactly, but font size numbers just wouldn’t conform between the VB GUI designer and Windows GDI (the Windows graphics API), so I just put in arbitrary font size numbers that matched visually instead of trying to find the right conversion process, as the documented font size conversion process was not yielding proper results.  This is the main reason VB (and maybe .NET) are far superior in my book when dealing with GUIs (for ease of use at least, not necessarily ability and power).  I know there are libraries out that supposedly solve this problem, but I have not yet found one that I am completely happy with, which is why I had started my own fully fledged cross operating system GUI library a ways back, but it won’t be completed for a long time.
