It is common knowledge that you can use the FormData class to send a file via AJAX as follows:
var DataToSend=new FormData();
DataToSend.append(PostVariableName, VariableData); //Send a normal variable
DataToSend.append(PostFileVariableName, FileElement.files[0], PostFileName); //Send a file
var xhr=new XMLHttpRequest();"POST", YOUR_URL, true);
Something that is much less known, which doesn't have any really good full-process examples online (that I could find), is sending a URL's file as the posted file.
This is doable by downloading the file as a Blob, and then directly passing that blob to the FormData. The 3rd parameter to the FormData.append should be the file name.
The following code demonstrates downloading the file. I did not worry about adding error checking.
function DownloadFile(
FileURL, //http://...
Callback, //The function to call back when the file download is complete. It receives the file Blob.
ContentType) //The output Content-Type for the file. Example=image/jpeg
var Req=new XMLHttpRequest();
Req.onload=function() {
Callback(new Blob([this.response], {type:ContentType}));
};"GET", FileURL, true);
And the following code demonstrates submitting that file
//User Variables
var DownloadURL="";
var PostURL="";
var PostFileVariableName="MyFile";
var OutputFileName="Example.jpg";
//End of User Variables
DownloadFile(DownloadURL, function(DownloadedFileBlob) {
//Get the data to send
var Data=new FormData();
Data.append(PostFileVariableName, DownloadedFileBlob, OutputFileName);
//Function to run on completion
var CompleteFunction=function(ReturnData) {
//Add your code in this function to handle the ajax result
var ReturnText=(ReturnData.responseText ? ReturnData : this).responseText;
//Normal AJAX example
var Req=new XMLHttpRequest();
Req.onload=CompleteFunction; //You can also use "onreadystatechange", which is required for some older browsers"POST", PostURL, true);
//jQuery example
$.ajax({type:'POST', url:PostURL, data:Data, contentType:false, processData:false, cache:false, complete:CompleteFunction});
Unfortunately, due to cross site scripting (XSS) security settings, you can generally only use ajax to query URLs on the same domain. I use my Cross site scripting solutions and HTTP Forwarders for this. Stackoverflow also has a good thread about it.