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Password transfer script for Roboform to BitWarden
Original post for Password transfer script for Roboform to BitWarden can be found at
Originally posted on: 07/19/24
I created this script because I wasn’t happy with the native Roboform importer inside Bitwarden. This fixed multiple problems including:
* Ignoring MatchUrls
* Parent folders weren’t created if they had no items in them (e.x. if I had identities in Financial/Banks, but nothing in /Financial, then it wouldn’t be created /Financial)
* Completely ignoring the extra fields (RfFieldsV2)
This fixes all those problems.
This needs to be ran via php in a command line interface, so `php convert.php`. It requires the [bitwarden cli “bw” command](
There are 2 optional arguments you can pass:
1) The name of the import file. If not given, `./RfExport.csv` will be used
2) The “bw” session token. If not given as a parameter, it can be set directly inside this file on line #4. You get this token by running `bw unlock` (after logging in with `bw login`).
This script does the following:
* Reads from a csv file exported by Roboform to import into bitwarden
* Runs `bw sync` before processing
* Imported Fields:
* Name: Becomes the name of the item
* Url: Becomes the URL for the item
* MatchUrl: If this is not the same “Url” then it is added as another URL for the item
* Login: Becomes the login (user) name
* Pwd: Becomes the password
* Note: Becomes the note
* Folder: Item is put in this folder
* RfFieldsV2 (multiple):
* Fields that match the login or password fields are marked as “linked fields” to those. If the field names are the following, they are not added as linked fields: *user, username, login, email, userid, user id, user id$, user_email, login_email, user_login, password, passwd, password$, pass, user_password, login_password, pwd, loginpassword*
* Fields that are different than the login or password are added as appropriate “Custom fields”. Supported types: '', rad, sel, txt, pwd, rck, chk, are
* Each field has 5 values within it, and 3 of those seem to be different types of names. So as long as they are not duplicates of each other, each name is stored as a seperate field.
* If all fields are blank but “name” and “note” then the item is considered a “Secure Note”
* While reading the csv file for import, errors and warnings are sent to stdout
* After the csv import has complete, it will give a total number of warnings/errors and ask the user if they want to continue
* Creates missing folders (including parents that have no items in them)
* During export to bitwarden:
* This process can be quite slow since each instance of running “bw” has to do a lot of work
* Keeps an active count of items processed and the total number of items
* If duplicates are found (same item name and folder) then the user is prompted for what they want to do. Which is either s=skip or o=overwrite. A capitol of those letters can be given to perform the same action on all subsequent duplicates.
* Errors are sent to stdout
Download script here
global $BW_SESSION;
/** @noinspection SpellCheckingInspection,RedundantSuppression */
$BW_SESSION=($argv[2] ?? 'FILL_ME_IN');
print RunMe($argv)."\n";
//Make sure “bw” is installed, given session is valid, and is synced
function CheckBWStatus(): ?string
return $StatusCheck;
else if(!is_object($StatusCheck) || !isset($StatusCheck->status))
return 'bw return does not have status';
else if($StatusCheck->status==='locked')
return 'bw is locked';
else if($StatusCheck->status!=='unlocked')
return 'bw status is invalid';
$ExpectedMessage='Syncing complete.';
if(is_string($SyncCheck=RunBW('sync', null, false)))
return $SyncCheck;
else if($SyncCheck[0]!==$ExpectedMessage)
return "Sync expected “${ExpectedMessage}” but got “${SyncCheck[0]}”";
return null;
//Pull the known folders
function PullKnownFolders(): string|array
if(is_string($FolderList=RunBW('list folders')))
return $FolderList;
foreach($FolderList as $Folder)
unset($FolderIDs['No Folder']);
return $FolderIDs;
//Get the file handle and the column indexes
function GetFileAndColumns(): string|array
//Prepare the import file for reading
ini_set('default_charset', 'UTF-8');
$FileName=$argv[1] ?? './RfExport.csv';
return 'File not found: '.$FileName;
else if(!($f=fopen($FileName, 'r')))
return 'Error opening file: '.$FileName;
//Check the header row values
return 'Error opening file: '.$FileName;
else if(!count($HeadRow) || $HeadRow[0]===NULL)
return 'Missing head row: '.$FileName;
if(str_starts_with($HeadRow[0], "\xEF\xBB\xBF")) //Remove UTF8 BOM
$HeadRow[0]=substr($HeadRow[0], 3);
$ExpectedCols=array_flip(['Url', 'Name', 'MatchUrl', 'Login', 'Pwd', 'Note', 'Folder', 'RfFieldsV2']);
foreach($HeadRow as $Index => $Name) {
return 'Duplicate column title: '.$Name;
return 'Unknown column title: '.$Name;
return 'Required columns not found: '.implode(', ', array_keys($ExpectedCols));
else if($ColNums['RfFieldsV2']!==count($ColNums)-1)
return 'RfFieldsV2 must be the last column';
return [$f, $ColNums];
//Process the rows
function ProcessRows($f, array $ColNums, array &$FolderIDs): array
$Counts=['Error'=>0, 'Warning'=>0, 'Success'=>0];
while($Line=fgetcsv($f, null, ",", "\"", "")) {
//Process the row and add result type to counts
$Result=ProcessRow($Line, $ColNums);
//Handle errors and warnings
if($Result[0]!=='Success') {
print "$Result[0]: Row #$RowNum $Result[1]\n";
} else if(isset($Result['Warnings']) && count($Result['Warnings'])) {
print "Warning(s): Row #$RowNum ".implode("\n", $Result['Warnings'])."\n";
//Add the folder to the list of folders (strip leading slash)
$FolderName=($Line[$ColNums['Folder']] ?? '');
$FolderName=substr($FolderName, ($FolderName[0] ?? '')==='/' ? 1 : 0);
//Save the entry
return [$Counts, $FolderNames, $Items, $RowNum];
//Process a single row
function ProcessRow($Line, $ColNums): array
//Skip blank lines
if(!count($Line) || (count($Line)===1 && $Line[0]===null))
return ['Warning', 'is blank'];
//Extract the columns by name
foreach($ColNums as $Name => $ColNum)
$C->$Name=$Line[$ColNum] ?? '';
//Check for errors and end processing early for notes
return ['Error', 'is missing a name'];
else if($C->Url==='' && $C->MatchUrl==='' & $C->Login==='' && $C->Pwd==='') {
return ['Success', 'Data'=>(object)['type'=>2, 'notes'=>$C->Note, 'name'=>$C->Name, 'secureNote'=>['type'=>0]]];
//Create a login card
'notes'=>$C->Note==='' ? null : $C->Note,
//Create error string for mist fields
$i=0; //Declared up here so it can be used in $FormatError
$FormatError=function($Format, ...$Args) use ($ColNums, &$i): string {
return 'RfFieldsV2 #'.($i-$ColNums['RfFieldsV2']+1).' '.sprintf($Format, ...$Args);
//Handle misc/extra (RfFieldsV2) fields
for($i=$ColNums['RfFieldsV2']; $i<count($Line); $i++) {
//Pull in the parts of the misc field
if(count($Parts=str_getcsv($Line[$i], ",", "\"", ""))!==5)
return ['Error', $FormatError('is not in the correct format')];
$Parts=(object)array_combine(['Name', 'Name3', 'Name2', 'Type', 'Value'], $Parts);
return ['Error', $FormatError('invalid blank name found')];
//Figure out which “Names” to process
foreach([$Parts->Name2, $Parts->Name3] as $NewName)
if($NewName!=='' && !in_array($NewName, $PartNames))
//Process the different names
foreach($PartNames as $PartName) {
//Determined values for the item
/** @noinspection PhpUnusedLocalVariableInspection */ $Type=null; //Overwritten in all paths
//Handle duplicate usernames and password fields
if(($IsLogin=($PartValue===$C->Login)) || $PartValue===$C->Pwd) {
if($Parts->Type!==($IsLogin ? 'txt' : 'pwd'))
$Warnings[]=$FormatError('expected type “%s” but got “%s”', $IsLogin ? 'txt' : 'pwd', $Parts->Type);
$LinkedID=($IsLogin ? 100 : 101);
//If a common name then do not add the linked field
/** @noinspection SpellCheckingInspection */
$IsLogin ?
['user', 'username', 'login', 'email', 'userid', 'user id', 'user id$', 'user_email', 'login_email', 'user_login'] :
['password', 'passwd', 'password$', 'pass', 'user_password', 'login_password', 'pwd', 'loginpassword']
} else {
//Convert the type
switch($Parts->Type) {
case '': //For some reason some text fields have no type given
case 'rad':
case 'sel':
case 'txt': $Type=0; break;
case 'pwd': $Type=1; break;
case 'rck': //Radio check?
if($PartName!==$Parts->Name) //Ignore second names for radio checks
continue 2;
if(count($RadioParts=explode(':', $PartName))!==2)
return ['Error', $FormatError('radio name needs 2 parts separated by a colon')];
case 'chk':
if($PartValue==='*' || $PartValue==='1')
else if($PartValue==='0')
return ['Error', $FormatError('invalid value for chk type “%s”', $PartValue)];
case 'are': //This seems to be a captcha
continue 2;
return ['Error', $FormatError('invalid field type “%s”', $Parts->Type)];
//Create the return object
//Return finished item and warnings
$Warnings[0]="RfFieldsV2 warnings:\n".$Warnings[0];
return ['Success', 'Data'=>$Ret, 'Warnings'=>$Warnings];
//Ask the user if they want to continue
function ConfirmContinue($Counts, $RowNum): ?string
//Ask the user if they want to continue
printf("Import from spreadsheet is finished. Total: %d; Successful: %d, Errors: %d, Warnings: %d\n", $RowNum, $Counts['Success'], $Counts['Error'], $Counts['Warning']);
while(1) {
print 'Do you wish to continue the export to bitwarden? (y/n): ';
switch(trim(strtolower(fgets(STDIN)))) {
case 'n':
return 'Exiting';
case 'y':
break 2;
return null;
//Get folder IDs and create parent folders for children
function GetFolders($FolderNames, &$FolderIDs): ?string
foreach(array_keys($FolderNames) as $FolderName) {
//Skip “No Folder”
if($FolderName==='') {
//Check each part of the folder tree to make sure it exists
$FolderParts=explode('/', $FolderName);
foreach($FolderParts as $Index => $FolderPart) {
$CurPath.=($Index>0 ? '/' : '').$FolderPart;
//If folder is already cached then nothing to do
if(isset($FolderIDs[$CurPath])) {
//Create the folder
print "Creating folder: $CurPath\n";
if(is_string($FolderInfo=RunBW('create folder '.base64_encode(json_encode(['name'=>$CurPath])), 'create folder: '.$CurPath)))
return $FolderInfo;
else if (!isset($FolderInfo->id))
return "bw folder create failed for “${CurPath}”: Return did not contain id";
return null;
//Pull the known items
function PullKnownItems($FoldersByID): string|array
if(is_string($ItemList=RunBW('list items')))
return $ItemList;
foreach($ItemList as $Item) {
$CurItems[($Item->folderId===null ? '' : $FoldersByID[$Item->folderId].'/').$Item->name]=$Item->id;
return $CurItems;
function StoreItems($Items, $CurItems, $FoldersByID): int
print "\n"; //Give an extra newline before starting the processing
$HandleDuplicatesAction=''; //The "always do this" action
foreach($Items as $Index => $Item) {
//Clear the current line and print the processing status
printf("\rProcessing item #%d/%d", $Index+1, $NumItems);
//If the item already exists then request what to do
$FullItemName=($Item->folderId===null ? '' : $FoldersByID[$Item->folderId].'/').$Item->name;
if(isset($CurItems[$FullItemName])) {
//If no "always" action has been set in $HandleDuplicatesAction then ask the user what to do
if(!($Action=$HandleDuplicatesAction)) {
print "\n";
while(1) {
print "A duplicate at “${FullItemName}” was found. Choose your action (s=skip,o=overwrite,S=always skip,O=always overwrite):";
if(in_array(strtolower($Val), ['s', 'o']))
if($Val!==$Action) //Upper case sets the "always" state
//Skip the item
//Overwrite the item
if(is_string($Ret=RunBW('edit item '.$CurItems[$FullItemName].' '.base64_encode(json_encode($Item)), 'edit item: '.$FullItemName))) {
printf("\nError on item #%d: %s\n", $Index+1, $Ret);
//Create the item
if(is_string($Ret=RunBW('create item '.base64_encode(json_encode($Item)), 'create item: '.$FullItemName))) {
printf("\nError on item #%d: %s\n", $Index+1, $Ret);
return $NumErrors;
//Run a command through the “bw” application
function RunBW($Command, $Label=null, $DecodeJSON=true): string|object|array
//$Label is set to $Command if not given
//Run the command and check the results
global $BW_SESSION;
exec(sprintf('BW_SESSION=%s bw %s --pretty 2>&1', $BW_SESSION, $Command), $Output, $ResultCode);
return 'bw is not installed';
else if($ResultCode===1)
return "bw “${Label}” threw an error: \n".implode("\n", $Output);
else if($ResultCode!==0)
return "bw “${Label}” returned an invalid status code [$ResultCode]: \n".implode("\n", $Output);
else if($Output[0]==='mac failed.')
return 'Invalid session ID';
else if(!$DecodeJSON)
return [implode("\n", $Output)];
else if(($JsonRet=json_decode(implode("\n", $Output)))===null)
return "bw “${Label}” returned non-json result";
//Return the json object
return $JsonRet;
function RunMe($argv): string
//Make sure “bw” is installed and given session is valid
return $Ret;
//Pull the known folders
return $FolderIDs;
//Get the file handle and the column indexes
return $Ret;
[$f, $ColNums]=$Ret;
//Process the rows and ask the user if they want to continue
[$Counts, $FolderNames, $Items, $RowNum]=ProcessRows($f, $ColNums, $FolderIDs);
if(is_string($Ret=ConfirmContinue($Counts, $RowNum)))
return $Ret;
unset($Counts, $RowNum, $f, $ColNums);
//Get folder IDs and create parent folders for children
if(is_string($Ret=GetFolders($FolderNames, $FolderIDs)))
return $Ret;
//Pull the known items
return $CurItems;
//Store all items
$FolderIDs['']=null; //Change empty folder to id=null for json insertions
$NumErrors=StoreItems($Items, $CurItems, $FoldersByID);
//Return completion information
return "\nCompleted ".($NumErrors ? "with $NumErrors error(s)" : 'successfully');
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